цікаві матеріали учителям

What food is more convenient to our organism?!

1.Практична: Навчити учнів використовувати лексичний запас слів по темі «Їжа » у спілкуванні іноземною мовою; дискусіях, виступах;
2. Освітня: Формувати у учнів повагу до чужих суджень, формувати навички роботи з використанням новітніх технологій;
3. Розвиваюча: Розвивати творчі здібності, уміння і навички при роботі над проектом;
4. Виховна: Виховувати у учнів позитивне ставлення до здорового способу життя та свого здоровя.

Тип уроку:  захист проектів (дебати) з використанням мультимедійних технологій - урок розвитку мовленнєвих навиків.

Обладнання: Мультимедійний проектор, комп’ютер, картки оцінки проекту, презентації учнів, публікації учнів.
План уроку
  1. Початок уроку:
·         Оголошення теми та мети уроку.
·         Жеребкування учасників дебатів.
  1. Проведення дебатів:
    • Презентація вчителя
    • І раунд (аргумент 1.1, контрарг.2.1, аргум. 2.1, контрарг.1.1)
    • Тест 1
    • ІІ раунд(аргумент 1.2, контрарг.2.2, аргум. 2.2, контрарг.1.2)
    • Тест 2
    • ІІІ раунд(аргумент 1.3, контрарг.2.3, аргум. 2.3, контрарг.1.3)
    • Тест 3
    • Підсумок дебатів
  2. Аналізування дебатів.
  3. Підсумки уроку.
Хід уроку
1. Початок уроку:

Добрый день студенты нашей философской кафедры народного университета!
Как вы? Вы готовы принять активное участие в сегодняшнем дискуссе? Сегодня прекрасный день, как и наше настроение! Что вы думаете о сегодняшних дебатах? А вы? Ну тогда все в порядке!
Good afternoon students of a philosophical faculty of a public university!
How are you? You are ready to take an active part in today's discussing?  It's a fine day, as well as our mood! What do you think of debate? And you? Well then everything is all right!

Оголошення теми та мети уроку
Сегодня у нас будет защита проектов в форме дебатов по теме ЕДА.
Я задаю основополагающий вопрос нашей встречи: Какая еда полезнее для нашего организма? И на него я надеюсь услышать неоднозначные ответы!
В процессе урока вы покажете свои знания и умения в работе над проектом, умение вести спор на английском языке, умение уважать друг друга и умение работать с техникой! Ну что? В путь! Удачи!
Today we will have a project's presentation in the form of debate on a theme MEAL.
I set a basic question of our meeting: What meal is more useful to our organism? And I hope for you to hear ambiguous answers!
During a lesson you will show the knowledge and skills in work above the project, skills to dispute in English, skills to respect each other and skills to work with technical equipment! Well? In a way! Good Luck!!

Жеребкування учасників дебатів.
Ну что? Кто будет первым? Кому предстоит начать своё выступление?!
Well? Who will be the first? Who should begin our discuss?!

  1. Проведення дебатів:
    1. Презентація вчителя ( схема презентації)
What food
is more convenient to our organism ?!
Healthy or tasty?!
Two teams will discuss this problem!
n For the first Team:
What is a simple meal?
nFor the second Team:
What is  a tasty meal?
Our arguments:
The simple food is better to our organism!!!”
” The tasty food is pleasant to our soul!!”

Я хочу представить проектную работу, аргумент по теме: Что собой представляет простая еда?
I would like to present you  the project work, argument on a theme: What is the simple meal?
 До початку дебатів учням роздано оцінювальні листи з тестами та оцінками проектів і учні в них виконують завдання тестів у ході етапів уроку.

    1. І раунд
The simple food is better to our organism!
(схема презентації)
But is it  useful?

” The tasty food is pleasant to our soul!!”

The mankind has thought up the cook
The cook is the most ancient trade and the most useful. Nobody could do without the cook. And consequently the cooking is an art.

Look here! You can see the most popular recipes of food!
People have thought up the culinary book:

                                                 and so on…                                                                                                             
Each people has the culinary traditions
What about the French cookery?!
This is  the most famous salad@@@

The tasty food is pleasant to our soul!
(схема презентації)
The easier is the better!?
The simple food is better to our organism!!!”
What is a simple healthy food?

l2. The simply boiled meat, potatoes, fish, eggs…
Eat well, be well
For advice on healthy eating, visit our eatwell site. It's packed with information and tips on eating a healthy balanced diet.

Healthy catering
lWould you like some practical advice about how to give the choice to eat more healthily? Or perhaps you want to help your friends learn about healthy catering?
lWhether you want to offer some appetising healthy specials, make simple but effective changes to all the food you offer, or give your students the tools to make these choices, this section gives you practical tips and explains the reasoning behind them. You will also find some sample recipes showing how dishes can be made healthier, for example by changing the fat or calorie content.
lBut did you think about your organism?
lWhat we eat can make a big difference to our health and well-being. This section includes information on health issues that are related to food or could be influenced by our diet.
Proper Nutrition

There is one simple rule that you can follow if you don't want to carry this guide with you and that is to eat the colors of the rainbow.
Red: Tomatoes, peppers, cranberries, raspberries, apples, beans, strawberries
Orange: Carrots, pumpkins, oranges, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, peaches, apricots, mango
Yellow: Squash, corn, legumes, lemons, banana, eggs, grapefruit, mushrooms, pineapple, sesame seeds, macadamia nuts, cashews, peanuts, quinoa,chickpeas, almonds, pecans, walnuts, brown rice, ginger, beans
Green: Peppers, cabbage, beans, limes, spinach, kale, honeydew melon,avocado, pears, pesto, celery, zucchini
Purple: Blueberries, blackberries, currants, beets, red cabbage, eggplant
White: Potatoes, tofu, onions, garlic, whole oats, cauliflower
What do you tell about losses in microcells during  the food preparation?
And how to be with extremes in food? Eat crude meat, a fish, insects and to that other! In fact there is a direct opportunity to be ill incurable illnesses!
    1. Тест 1
Test 1  Match the words:
1. a tasty                                      a) life
2. a healthy                                  b) meal
3. the beautiful                             c) price
4. an expensive                            d) packing
5. a bad                                        e) additives
6. Threat of                                  f) posts
7. an attractive                             g) kind
8. the religious                             h) adiposity
    1. ІІ раунд
What can you tell about a kind of animals HOMO SAPIENS?
 (схема презентації)
What can you tell about a kind of animals HOMO SAPIENS?                                                              
1. Introduction
   Human, common name given to any individual of the species Homo sapiens and, by extension, to the entire species. The term is also applied to certain species that were the evolutionary forerunners of Homo sapiens (see Human Evolution). Scientists consider all living people members of a single species.
      The details of skeletal structure distinguishing Homo sapiens from the nearest primate relatives—the gorilla, chimpanzee, and orangutan—stem largely from a very early adaptation to a completely erect posture and a two-footed striding walk (bipedalism). The uniquely S-shaped spinal column places the center of gravity of the human body directly over the area of support provided by the feet, thus giving stability and balance in the upright position. Other mechanical modifications for bipedalism include a broad pelvis, a locking knee joint, an elongated heel bone, and a lengthened and aligned big toe. The large (averaging 1400 cc/85.4 cu in) brain of Homo sapiens is approximately double that of early human toolmakers. This great increase in size in only 2 million years was achieved by a process called neoteny, which is the prolongation of retention of immature characteristics.       
    The juvenile stage of brain and skull development is prolonged so that they grow for a longer period of time in relation to the time required to reach sexual maturity. Its enlarged dimensions required adaptations for passage through the birth canal; consequently, the human female pelvis widens at maturity (with some sacrifice in swiftness of locomotion), and the human infant is born prematurely. Chimpanzees are born with 65 percent of their adult brain capacity; Australopithecine, an erect, tool-using near-human of 3 million years ago, was born with about 50 percent; modern human newborns have only 25 percent of adult brain capacity, resulting in an extended period of helplessness. The many neurological pathways to the rapidly growing brain must be organized and coordinated during a prolonged period of dependency on and stimulation by adults; lacking this close external bond in the early years of life, development of the modern brain remains incomplete.
3. Vegetarianism and heals
     More recently, people have adopted vegetarian diets based on scientific studies showing that diets high in fatty animal foods may contribute to the early development of disease, including obesity, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, and colorectal cancer. The United States Surgeon General’s 1988 report on nutrition and health urged Americans to reduce their intakes of animal fats, such us those found in meat and dairy products, and to increase consumption of  fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.  
That is all. What do you say?                               

Do you know that the magnificent beautiful meal causes pleasant appetite? Only on beautifully made  meal "  Saliva flows"
 (схема презентації)
Biological aspects of appetite
Only on beautifully made  meal "  Saliva flows"
lThe central nervous system and various glands control activities that regulate the digestive process, such as the secretion of enzymes and fluids.

nThe presence of food  and the food entering the stomach also stimulates the central nervous system to initiate the release of gastric juice. And as hydrochloric acid passes from the stomach, the small intestine produces secretin, a substance that simulates secretion of pancreatic juice.

Now, we can say about reflex!
§Reflex, in physiology, involuntary response to a stimulus by the animal organism.
                                               Let’s check our reflexes!
Watch the video and say, does your saliva flows?

What do you say about a problem of adiposity in our society?

How to be with needs of an organism for animal protein and fats?


    1. Тест 2
Test 2  Complete:
1. The tasty meal is very pleasant to _________________
2. The simple meal is ____________ acquired by an organism
3. Only on beautifully ____________________ "  Saliva flows"
4. An organism need for_________________________________
5. _____________________ about a problem of adiposity in our society?
6. ________________________ negatively influence on our life

    1. ІІІ раунд
Historically there are religious bases of healthy life - posts, eves, etc. Do you think this is casually?
 (схема презентації)
What is a religion?
nAnd God said: 'Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear. And it was so.
                                                               © 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

uReligious cultures generally ascribe spiritual significance to all parts of their worlds. This is especially obvious in rites of passage. Through ritual, each major change in life is incorporated into the domain of the sacred. For example, birth rites might involve bestowing the blessings of the god on the child or giving the
 child a special religious  name.

nReligions typically hold that human beings have a higher nature that exists in tension with a lower nature, and the religions offer ways to redeem the former from the latter. Even within a single religious tradition there may be different versions of this process.
Our organism
nOur organism has been given to us by the God. The nature - is given by the god too. In the bible it is told, that “use small and do not demand the greater...” It is the law! The nature for a long time has decided for us what we can eat, and what - can not do. The healthy food is sent to us by the God. From here and many different posts and canons. Each holiday has the customs concerning generally the image of a feed.
Precepts of the God speak:  DO NOT KILL!

nSo what do we do, when we try to kill an animal (hen), to fry it on traditional cuisines, and to eat it!?
There are many religion posts…
u Easter
nMonks and yogas can live without meal some weeks!
nThus they can live till 120 years!
nTraditional cuisines of the world are not necessary for them!
nThey have all that the MOTHER - NATURE gives to them!

In the Future we shall come to the psychological factor in food: a beautiful tablet of "breakfast"! The science does not cost on a place!
 (схема презентації)
In the Future we shall come to the psychological factor in food: a beautiful tablet of "breakfast"! The science does not cost on a place!
1940: Biological Chemistry
§In relation to biochemistry, the two fields in which most rapid progress was made during the year 1940 were (a) in the use of radioactive "tracer" elements and (b) in the study of vitamins.
Increasing attention centered on the apparent function of fluoride as a factor of significance in relation to the development of good teeth. High fluoride intakes clearly produce mottled enamel, but there has been increasing evidence that intermediate levels may aid in the prevention of dental caries.
The chemistry of the vitamins progressed rapidly along four major lines, (a) identification of new vitamins, (b) working out quantitative methods of chemical analysis that can be applied to tissue studies, (c) finding the chemical reactions by means of which the vitamins function in living cells, and (d) studying the significance of the vitamins in relation to human health.
Study of High Blood Pressure
Very encouraging progress was made in the chemical study of substances that cause or alleviate high blood pressure. Proteins formed in the kidney tissue and circulating in the blood stream appear to comprise the primary disturbing factors. Restriction of the blood supply to the kidney, as shown earlier by Goldblatt, can cause the experimental type of high blood pressure, and evidence has accumulated rapidly to show the importance of the experimental animal technique in an approach to the clinical problem.
New technologies
 One capsule of VITATRIM can replace completely one reception OF FOOD!
It contains of concentrates of oils and vitamins. It carries in herself about 124 kkalories

What do you say how many harm "beautiful" cancerogenic concentrates and so on such as
 E-23, for example, have?

Many peoples have their owns religion, and what, the structure of an organism is different too? Or that is absolutely other kind HOMO....?


    1. Тест 3
1. Я обідаю о 12 в кафе ____________________________________________
2. Сало - національна українська їжа______________________________________
3. Вчора ми пили сік із яблук_____________________________________________
4. Зараз у нас дебати з теми «Їжа»_________________________________________
5. Ми вже проаналізували наші аргументи__________________________________
6. За кілька хвилин журі визначить переможців.______________________________

    1. Підсумок дебатів
Кожен з членів груп заповнює останні рядки залікових листів. Потрібно підвести підсумки спорів.
Есть много экстримов в пище - это самая неконтролируемая область нашей жизни. Многое даже не зависит от нас самих. Мы - заложники нашего организма. Здоровье - вот главное богатство и оно в большей степени зависит от нас! БУДЕМ ЗДОРОВЫ!

There are many extremes in a food; this is the most uncontrollable area of our life. Much does not depend on us at all. We are hostages of our organism. Health - the main riches and it, in the greater degree, depends on us! SHALL BE HEALTHY!

  1. Аналізування дебатів.
На цьому етапі потрібно визначитись, чия команда найкраще виступила, хто був найкращим спікером, чий аргумент був найкращий, і чий контраргумент був найкращим? Підсумки проводимо голосуванням з допомогою журі. Потім нагороджуємо відповідними медалями:
The best team
The best speaker
The best argument
The best contrargument
  1. Підсумки уроку.
Вы били такими трудолюбивыми, энергичными. Каждый показал свои умения и знания в полном объёме. После проверки Ваших зачётных листов, вы узнаете свои оценки. Но вы все еще не можете использовать свой лексический минимум в полной мере для выражения своих мыслей, этому нам с вами придется поучиться. Только трудолюбивые люди смогут открыть дверь в страну Английского общения! Удачи вам!
You were so hardworking, vigorous. Everyone has shown the skills and knowledge in full. After check of your test sheets, you can know the marks. But all of you cannot use your basic vocabulary in the full to express of the ideas yet, to this we must learn with you. Only hardworking people can open a door in the country of the English communication! Success to you!

Матеріали додатку

1.     Заліковий лист.
2.     Учнівські медалі
3.     Схеми учнівських презентацій та публікацій (диск).

4.     Приклади аргументів і контраргументів (Диск)

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